Bayview Road & Princes Highway Intersection
The intersection upgrade will include:
• upgrading to fully signalised crossroad intersection
• a westbound bus priority lane
• construction of new Bayview Road South leg connecting intersection to Pioneer Way
• Bayview Road north leg road realignment
• dual right turn lanes into Bayview Road
• left turn slip lanes into Bayview Road
• cyclist and pedestrian facilities with dedicated bicycle lane signalisation
• path connections
• improved drainage
• landscaping
Bayview Rd intersection is jointly funded by Developer Contributions and the Australian Government.
The Princes Highway Intersection program has $36 million in funding to deliver 8 major intersection upgrades from 2020 to 2029.
• Australian Government contribution: $17.8 million from its Urban Congestion Fund.
• Council contribution: $18.3 million from its Developer Contribution Plan.
Civil works are now complete on the Bayview Road intersection, with minor landscaping works still outstanding.
Traffic management remains in place, while Council waits for the traffic lights to be powered up by Ausnet.
The powering up of these signals is outside of Council’s control, and we are continuing to regularly follow up with Ausnet to ensure that this intersection can be activated and formally opened to the public as soon as possible.
• Minor concrete and tidy up works are continuing.
• Landscaping works still outstanding
• Works are continuing on the Tivendale Rd intersection
• To ensure public safety, the median crossing will remain closed for the duration of works. Drivers will be unable to turn right in or right out of Bayview Rd.
• Southern connection to Pioneer Way will be opened once the traffic signals are turned on.
• Traffic management will be in place and delays are expected in the area.
Please obey all signs and instructions from traffic management staff, to keep all drivers, pedestrians, and contractors safe.