South Gippsland Highway and Ballarto Road intersection will be re-constructed and converted into a roundabout to accommodate growing population. The enhanced intersection will result in a safer road network and provide easier access into both sides of Ballarto Road.
The City of Casey acknowledge the delays associated with this project and apologises for the inconvenience this has caused to both residents, commuters and local business’s.
The intersection upgrade will include:
• additional lanes in Tivendale Road
• additional Princes Highway through lanes
• upgraded left-hand slip lane into Station Street
• westbound bus priority lane
• cyclist and pedestrian facilities, with dedicated bicycle lane signalisation,
• improved drainage
• landscaping
The Princes Highway Intersection program has $36 million in funding to deliver 8 major intersection upgrades from 2020 to 2029.
• Australian Government contribution: $17.8 million from its Urban Congestion Fund.
• Council contribution: $18.3 million from its Developer Contribution Plan.
Due to the complexities with the design, management of the contractor and ongoing impacts due to weather, third-party authority approvals, and material and workforce shortages, the Tivendale Road intersection project has been further delayed, and we are hoping to see this project completed by September 2024.
Council is committed to continually working with local businesses to minimise disruptions, and is making every effort to ensure that they are informed of upcoming activities and their timings, as soon as the information is available.
From these discussions with businesses, Council has worked with the contractor to stagger the outstanding works and reschedule as many activities as possible to take place outside of normal working hours.
We acknowledge the inconvenience and frustration that these works have caused and we are working with the contractor and the relevant authorities to complete the works as fast as possible for the benefit of the community.
• Night works to be complete the final layer of wearing course asphalt to the highway and service lanes were scheduled from 16-19 September 2024, however they have been rescheduled to weekend and next week due to weather. Works will take place from 7pm – 5am and traffic management will be in place.
• Bus shelter and surrounding footpath works on Princes Hwy are underway and are expected to be completed in the coming weeks.
• Council is coordinating with the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) to ensure that the traffic signals can be turned on at the Bayview Road intersection as soon as possible. Signal switch on procedure works are currently underway.
Works are continuing on the inbound Princes Highway service lanes.
From next week, the contractor will be completing carpark pavement works. These works should take approximately 1 week to complete, weather permitting.
Disruptions to service lanes
• Minor disruptions and delays are expected over this weekend and next from 7pm-5am.
• Parking will be temporarily impacted while material deliveries occur, machinery is in operation and pavement works are being completed on the parking bays
• Service lanes are kept open and accessible during the project.
Recently completed works
• Driveway reconstruction works on Tivendale Rd to the Shell service station are completed and driveways are reopened
• Inbound concrete works are complete
• Street lighting activated around the Bayview Road intersection
• Signal upgrade works to the Tivendale and Princes Hwy intersection
• Drainage improvement works
• Guardrail works
The intersection upgrade will include:
• upgrading to fully signalised crossroad intersection
• a westbound bus priority lane
• construction of new Bayview Road South leg connecting intersection to Pioneer Way
• Bayview Road north leg road realignment
• dual right turn lanes into Bayview Road
• left turn slip lanes into Bayview Road
• cyclist and pedestrian facilities with dedicated bicycle lane signalisation
• path connections
• improved drainage
• landscaping
Bayview Rd intersection is jointly funded by Developer Contributions and the Australian Government.
The Princes Highway Intersection program has $36 million in funding to deliver 8 major intersection upgrades from 2020 to 2029.
• Australian Government contribution: $17.8 million from its Urban Congestion Fund.
• Council contribution: $18.3 million from its Developer Contribution Plan.
Civil works are now complete on the Bayview Road intersection, with minor landscaping works still outstanding.
Traffic management remains in place, while Council waits for the traffic lights to be powered up by Ausnet.
The powering up of these signals is outside of Council’s control, and we are continuing to regularly follow up with Ausnet to ensure that this intersection can be activated and formally opened to the public as soon as possible.
• Minor concrete and tidy up works are continuing.
• Landscaping works still outstanding
• Works are continuing on the Tivendale Rd intersection
• To ensure public safety, the median crossing will remain closed for the duration of works. Drivers will be unable to turn right in or right out of Bayview Rd.
• Southern connection to Pioneer Way will be opened once the traffic signals are turned on.
• Traffic management will be in place and delays are expected in the area.
Please obey all signs and instructions from traffic management staff, to keep all drivers, pedestrians, and contractors safe.
The new-look Burwood Highway and McMahons Road intersection is now open following the completion of major works on the project.
Coming in on-time, the Burwood Highway-McMahons Road Intersection Upgrade recently switched on the traffic lights, with the first set of vehicles and pedestrians travelling through the intersection on 21 February.
McMahons Road and Clyde Street are now open to left and right movements through the new intersection while the new pedestrian crossings also provide a safer route for locals to get across the Burwood Highway.
The Burwood Highway–McMahons Road Intersection Upgrade has:
• improved efficiencies in the transport network by reducing peak hour travel time variability and increasing the number of vehicles that can travel along the corridor each hour
• improved road safety and reduced crash rates by upgrading the intersection and installing pedestrian operated crossings
• improved access to businesses on the south side of the intersection
• enabled more active and inclusive communities by making it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross the road.
Find out more about the Burwood Highway-McMahons Road Intersection Upgrade.
As the next stage of the Macedon Way development advances, we’re thrilled to share that construction of the Pocket Park is on track and scheduled for completion before Christmas.
This project is part of the broader Pocket Parks initiative within the Melbourne Airport Business Park (MABP). In collaboration with Melbourne Airport Property, Negri Contractors, and Arup, the two projects will enhance the streetscapes and precinct amenities, creating a cohesive landscape character for the precinct. These pocket parks go beyond simply providing green spaces, they create places of beauty and respite for MABP tenants while improving the precinct’s biodiversity.
This project represents a major sustainability achievement, with over 80% of materials recycled from other projects within the Business Park. This includes the reuse of stockpiled topsoils, recycled concrete to form planter boxes, and volcanic rocks used in landscaping to reflect the site’s unique geology. Boulders dug up during the preparation of other airport development sites, have also been integrated as a key design feature in the park. The landscape architecture provided a visual and physical break from the industrial precinct’s grid structure, featuring an organic layout with lush greenery, a variety of seating areas and social spaces.
We can’t wait to see the Macedon Way Pocket Park come to life as a new community space for all to enjoy!